Wednesday 18 June 2014

Smoker's thought

     It was late in the evening. After returning from office I was sitting in front of the window. There was dark, enough to make myself invisible. But the dim light peeping through my window drew my attention to the smoke, blemish less white. Thin layers of smoke flew upward as I could see it vanishing the higher it went. A sudden gush of wind came and scattered it to make it invisible even before its fate. Wish it could have lasted a little longer. I had started enjoying “The vanishing Act”. But soon another “Puff” brimming with smoke came out and joined it. The vanishing act of smoke suddenly came to halt and smokes were out there to replenish the dearth created by the gush of wind. From then there was no stopping. “Wind” scattered it, “Puff” replenished that and it went on.

       In this “Tug-of-war” between “Wind” and “Puff”, my cigarette was continuously shrinking and I know would shrink to its death. No regret as it is destined to do so. The fire that lit up the cigarette has burned it out but created the puff- replenishment for the vanishing smoke. The whole scene shot a question on the back of my mind- Can we give our whole life to an Idea, The idea that has been built upon the smoke of hope, knowingly that a sudden gush of wind may come and scatter it to make it as invisible as if it were never there. But these smokes of hopes come from the fire that lit up our life. Life burns to blow “puff of hopes”. You just lit up the fire and those “puff of hopes” will never let the beautiful smoke act to vanish no matter how strong the wind may be.

1 comment:

  1. Wow... I too see the smoke from every puff and the wind blowing it off... but never gave it any thought... truly amazing :)
