Thursday 20 March 2014

Faith in free people

  When we see the term “Competitive Intelligence” (let's say CI), without any second thought relate it to competitions & competitors in Market. CI as definitive can be collecting & processing of data from public sources to convert it to functional intelligence. A brief opinion on CI would tell that it is a process of gradual evolution for a firm, products, strategies etc. to survive an ever recurring competition. Again a competition can be of two types- first the competition with others; second, the competition within oneself.  CI helps us to take decisions, necessity of which of course arises due to such competitions.
    A decision taken can either be “Instinctive” or “strategical”. In the first type of decision making a question amuses almost everyone- how does one take decisions based on instinct? Where does she get such instinct?   Or, it's just gradual accumulation and analysis of information in someone's unconscious mind to bring out a surprisingly quick decision (doesn't it sound something similar to CI). In an article once I read that the most successful leaders are instinctual decision makers. ( Alas! Instincts of these intriguing leaders are difficult tools to analyze the CI. So to understand CI in a less complicated manner the better idea will be analyzing the “Strategical” decisions of these leaders (or Organizations).
    Even though CI is something intrinsic to us, a simple question always knocks my heart- is it possible to find a competition which would not require the use of “CI” to survive? If that is possible one shall not require gathering and processing information or keeping an eye on “other sources” on which her incentive will depend. When I said other source it can be anything like the efficiency of the people in an organization, willingness of producer to produce a certain thing that will be required for producing your end product (Bargaining power of Supplier), bargaining power of Consumer etc. Point to be noted that these all factors mentioned above are free to their will and respond according to the incentives. Competitive Intelligence helps us to measure the movement of these factors against their changing needs of incentives and thereby, cushioning its ill effects by enabling us to take decisions.

    It is per-determined that in due course of time this discussion will enter into a more practical and rational world, but before that can you contribute to a competition where we can let loose the above mentioned factors free to their will and yet, obtain the best result. The best way to start may be by assuming that “CI” whatever it looks like, is not at all required at any level in this world. Our per-conceived notion may tell us that this assumption will not lend us anywhere concrete, but I would like to pitch that this is not a mere assumption and can be true if we have “faith in free people”- an absolutely essential ingredient for freedom which mankind is unhappily loosing.

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